Friday, September 19, 2008

Our New Paper Format?

When my co-editor Mike and I applied for the positions of Editors-in-Chief we did so because we both have a passion for improving the paper. As our new publishing year is underway, we want to know what you think of the changes we have made to the North Park Press. Our first change to the Press 2008 is to make it more accessible for students. Here’s how…
1. The “So What Do You Think” section presents both sides of an issue on campus and asks YOU to respond with your thoughts. You can either join the discussion at or post on the wall of our facebook group “North Park Press”.
2. The opinion section, per usual, provides a place for you to express yourself and your beliefs. Send us an editorial and we’ll run it in the next week’s paper.
3. The freelance section is a new addition designed to give you a place to showcase your talents. Submit your artwork, poems, fiction writing, music and movie reviews, etc. and then look for them to be printed on the back page of the next edition.
Aside from the added sections of the paper we are also updating the mission of the Press as a whole. We hope to bring you thoughtful and challenging writing that will inspire you and make you question what is happening in campus. The focus this year will be to report what matters to North Park students specifically, as we know this is the only location for exclusively NPU news. We accept that responsibility and are proud to present our new paper format. We hope you think the Press has stepped it up a notch with a real newspaper look, so tell us, so what do you think?
Don’t forget to share your opinions of our new style with us on our facebook group “North Park Press” wall. While you’re at it, why not join the group too?

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